Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Sent by Rachel Shamash, another lady who cares about the planet

Val says  I go on and on about the use of pesticides killing bees and birds and in the long term us. By supporting this man in his refusal to use pesticides on his bio vines we are making a statement, " stop the use of these dangerous pesticides" In the video clip the vigneron tells you the department was ordered to use a pesticide and when he refused he was taken to court and faces 6 months in prison and a heavy fine. He has always successfully controlled his vines by natural methods. 

Malc has just tried to sign but the page of signature is blocked with so many supporters, but please go back to it
Sent by keen environmentalist Rachel Shamash ( well done Rachel) 

Le viticulteur convoqué au tribunal parle !

Madame, Monsieur,  Emmanuel Giboulot, le viticulteur qui passera la semaine prochaine en correctionnelle pour avoir refusé un pesticide parle !  C'est un témoignage bouleversant, à diffuser le plus largement possible. 

Je compte sur vous,