Tuesday 25 February 2014

Please do not mention being homesick again

Twenty five ticks on the post saying " hands up if you are homesick", Ok so not everyone is home sick but a large number of our circle of friends going back does affect me. I do not like major changes and I want things to stay the same.
That just does not happen at our age, friends move, friends die and for some life goes on but with an element of sadness.
Being more cheerful, we have so much to be thankful about here, so let us get back to pulling together, having fun and trying to make a difference.
We are feeding and schooling street children in Bamako, feeding and homing donkeys who would have suffered by supporting Liberte des Anes, rehoming dogs and cats, like the latest Hugo, and having lots of fun whilst doing it. On the horizon are the opening of two new local theatres and so it goes on.
I forgot the 120 women gardeners in Bamako we are all helping.
Malc says  Actually in the two days that homesick post was on we have had 1,500 views and only 24 ticks, and some of those would just find it interesting. He goes on " it is not really a representative poll, it is more a self selecting sample.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com