Friday 21 February 2014

The more ancient the town, the more difficult accessibility is for the handicapped

L’association des paralysés de France (APF) vient de publier son baromètre de l’accessibilité pour les handicapés dans les villes françaises.Albi se classe 18e et progresse sensiblement dans les notations de l’association.

The APF assoc. for handicapped people has made  a barometer of the towns most accessible to handicapped people. Albi came out 18th, although the council is not proud of this they have got it down from 21st  whilst having all the work done in and around the Cathedral. It is very difficult for historic old towns  to sympathetically change access. Carcassonne for example is 64th and Toulouse 27th.
Whilst I am talking of accessibility our Canadian friends renting the gite went to Villefranche de Rouergue yesterday to find apart from the Cathedral of course everything closed to tourists until the season begins on the 1st of April. 
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