Wednesday 26 February 2014

The proof of the pudding

is in the viewing. We eventually had a new dish (parabole) installed yesterday - but only the one on the gite. The storm we experienced last night - rain, wind, thunder and hail - put to the test the hope that this would solve problems of reception in bad weather. And it did. The locataires could watch Man Utd even in HD. We on the other hand totally lost reception until the storm passed. Our installer who did not have time yesterday for us, will be back today to sort us out as well.
Val says  that post was written by Malc, what did I care, missing football!

K says You missed nothing, trust me, terrible display by the Reds. {laughing a lot from me}......Much better game tonight, and as usual, not on tv.....thankfully RadioFive Live comes to the rescue.
K is a Chelsea supporter!
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