Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Maggie from Nova Scotia

Hi Val...ooops, DEAR Val,

It is another snow day here in Nova Scotia so I got to playing with my computer.  I found a program that works with the Chrome browser (also perhaps Firefox and Opera version 20 only), called ZenMate.  It makes you look like you are surfing the internet from somewhere else.  I installed the Chrome Browser on my PC then Zenmate, told it I wanted to look like I was in London, then, for the first time ever, was able to look at BBC's iPlayer videos.  This might be of some interest to your readers.

I also tried to get it to say I was located in the US and play the US Amazon Prime service free instant videos, but so far, have not had any luck.

We have been enjoying reading TAGlines so very much...
See you in April,

Val says
Hi Maggie
that oops on the Dear Val is so useful so I can explain to readers again.
I get lots of emails but hate it when  a mail starts with Val with out a Dear, Hello or Hi Val especially if it is then asking me to do something.
I have never worked well under orders ( as poor Malc knows to his cost) just recently I asked a reader if she would use Dear  when writing which obviously got up her nose as I did not even get a Val the next time! ... and I thought I had explained it so nicely.
I am not everybody's dear, so Hi, hello  or if you want to follow the dear departed David Hatfields lead Delectable, will suffice.
 I better at this point mention exclamation marks again, nothing so infuriating as !!!????? but to be fair I have not had any of those recently. I think readers are learning my flash points!
To the real content of the email Maggie, how interesting, getting away with being in London .
We look forward to you being back in April.
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