Meeting to promote international collaboration within the community.
3rd February 2014
Participants : 48 people presented themselves at 6pm at the Salle des Fetes , St Antonin on Monday 3rd February for the 'French-English collaboration' meeting. Regrettably, six people left because of the long delay before the meeting commenced at 6.30.
42 people remained for the meeting, which lasted two hours. They included 8/9 candidates for the forthcoming municipal elections and British, French, Dutch and German residents of St Antonin (village and commune). Of these, several havebusinesses in and around St Antonin and others are retired. A wide age range was represented.
Aims and objectives: From the outset, it was established that those persons who had been approached about the evening's meeting - some of whom were unable to attend - wished to make it clear that, in general, they enjoyed living in St Antonin and appreciated its services and amenities. They wished to promote closer relations with the resident French population, to integrate more fully with it and to contribute to the community in whatever ways they could. They expressed a wish to be supportive and constructive in their comments and views rather than critical and negative.
Voluntary contributions: Several suggestions were received to this effect. Someone offered to provide an abbreviated English translation of the quarterly news bulletin issued by the Mairie to help those whose French is limited to better understand what is going on within the municipality.
It was also suggested that volunteers could help at the museum, thereby offering a solution to the current problems of underfunding.
Nevertheless, various areas which need to be improved were identified.
Areas of concern
French language initiatives
Courses, language exchanges and conversation groups The most important of these was the need for French language initiatives within the village, including the provision of language courses and the establishment of an informal language exchange or conversation groups. While it was agreed that the Mairie could not become a 'language centre', it was accepted that the Mairie could and should support initiatives in this regard.
Quite simply, without a common language there can be no integration. It was agreed that while formal language courses are valuable they are not sufficient in themselves and that opportunities for speaking French are necessary. While some of these opportunities can be initiated by individuals, it is nevertheless the case that this is not always easy, especially for those persons who do not live in the village.
It was pointed out that many of the residents of the commune are of retirement age and hence less receptive to formal learning and that help with the French language was thereforevery important to them.
It was also pointed out that the situation of younger newcomers to the area with young children is not altogether satisfactory either, with parents often unable to understand written/spoken requirements and literature provided for them, teachers not always being sympathetic to or understanding their difficulties, and children that that can be traumatised as a result.
Language support It was suggested that there should be some language support for residents; help, for example, not simply in translating official documents and correspondence, but in understanding the often subtle nuances and implications that might not be evident to non-French people.
Public service Information Another point raised was that despite the inestimable help of Stephanie at Le Relais des Services Publics (who received a round of applause), this invaluable resource, which is greatly appreciated by all, is not well publicised and generally only learned about by word of mouth. Stephanie does not speak English but her attitude and approach to non-French speakers is excellent and she is always helpful. (In contrast with the unhelpful and unfriendly 'service' of both Le tresor public and CPAM, which has been the subject of numerous complaints).
Newcomers to the area The importance of local information and support for newcomers to the area was emphasised. It was suggested that there could be a questionnaire targeted to identifying their specific needs.
The importance of 'welcoming' newcomers to St Antonin was highlighted by several French people present, none of whom originated in the area, and who, language apart (although they too experienced some difficulties in this regard)had not found it easy to integrate initially. One stated that this had been achieved largely with help from the British initially and Dutch subsequently. The electoral candidates could identify with this problem as all of them, without exception, originated elsewhere and had migrated to St Antonin.
Social initiatives It was stated that while ex-pats of all nationalities may arrive in St Antonin wishing to integrate with the local community, this is not necessarily reciprocated by the resident population. As was stated, a mixed social life is not mandatory. Nevertheless, it was agreed that the promotion of and support for activities in which the various nationalities could engage would be valuable, given that 10% of the population of St Antonin are not French.
St Antonin website Regarding both the information available to newcomers and also to tourists, attention was focused on the St Antonin website and its current shortcomings, not least of which is the fact that no English version is available, despite English being the universal language. It wassuggested that the website could be updated and improved for the benefit of those considering moving to St Antonin, newcomers, tourists and the resident community as a whole.
Facilities for the disabled Another area of concern that was raised was the lack of provision in the village for disabled persons. Facilities for the disabled are currently under-resourced to the great disadvantage of the local population and tourists.
Further meetings At the end of the meeting, at the request of a participant, the electoral candidates introduced themselves. They were asked about their election manifesto and it was explained that this will be set out in documents to be circulated and at least two meetings prior to the local elections once the need s of the residents have been canvassed and identified.
To this end, interested parties were asked to submit comments, suggestions and queries to
Further action
Low cost language classes Subsequent to the meeting, Michelle Jones responded to issue raised by offering French language tuition on Friday mornings, details of which can be obtained from Michelle on
French conversation group After the meeting, a small group of English, French and Dutch met to discuss the possibility of establishing a weekly informal French conversation class. However, the viability of this will depend on the contribution of French residents. Anyone interested in this initiative is asked to contact Helen Graham on