Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Two choices for Maire at Varen

Further to the upcoming local elections, I was wondering whether you would publish the link to "our" site on your blog TAG lines. It is:
A public meeting has been organised on March 5, 17.00 - 20.00 hours in the Salle Claude Teil in Varen.
Many thanks,

and do not forget Serge Gomez   Check out the site to see the team proposed by Serge Gomez 


La date du 22 février est retenue pour une réunion publique de 17h à 20h à la salle Claude Teil pour vous informer comme promis de notre démarche.

Val says
I want holes in the roads mended. We have one outside the house but the Maire made such a fuss when I asked last time that I am loathe to go again and ask.
 I want every house to be able to get recycling bags without a fuss, so important if you want renters to put rubbish in the correct bins.
 I want to stop the use of pesticides and poisons being handed out in the village from the Mairie. We are killing our pets and wildlife with these poisons. It is outrageous that they are handed out for free when I get told off for asking for a recycling bag. I want not to be afraid to go into the Maire and ask a question... and that is for starters!
Sometimes you have to stand up and be counted...

Comments to taglines82@gmail.com