I was pointed to your TAGlines by one of our members in the Tarn. It is very, very kind of you to support "Cancer Support France - Sud de France", we have now extended into the Tarn with the support of a dozen or so dedicated people in the area. Some of these, in January, carried out our training programme and are already able to support clients by phone or face to face.You have seen our leaflets, so you are aware of what we aim to do. I would just like to add that CSF Sud has been in existence since April 2009 in the Aude, Ariège and Pyrénées-Orientales. As there was no association covering the Tarn, we did do our best to support in the area, and were blessed with having one member who could manage the practical side. We handled those needing telephone support through our existing members.
We are very excited that we now have a super team of people who want to extend CSF into the area and, by using our existing administration, they can concentrate on providing the CSF service.
Each Department of CSF Sud has a Representative on our Conseil. The Tarn Rep is Helene Barratt who can let you have more information about becoming a member and helping in the Tarn. Helene can be contacted by e-mail at:
If you would like any other information about CSF, either locally or nationally, then please do ask me. Our main need is for publicity, rather than funds, our aim is that all anglophones know we exist................just in case! Your help there is very valuable.
Again, many thanks,
- Penelope Parkinson Vice-Presidente CSF Sud de France (66) Caze d'en Roque Jalaire 66300 Caixas Tél: 0468 38 81 28 www.csf-suddefrance.webs.com www.csf-forum.org www.facebook.com/csf.sud
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com