Saturday 29 April 2017

Nous sommes le samedi vingt neuf avril

A sunny morning smile for you from one of our new boys. An Afghan who was at University studying to be a dentist, thanks you all for your continuing donations and even though he fell off one of the bikes I took over and grazed his hand, he hopes we can find more bikes, 3 between 18 makes it difficult.
The book swap is on Monday morning, the bank holiday and as always at the Gazpacho starting at 10.30 am.
As well,as books and DVD's I am asking for donations, old mobile phones, jeans, t shirts, no jumpers, and just a bit of money so we can buy anything they still need like trainers etc.
You have all been so wonderful with our earlier refugees and the results we are seeing of those young men moving on with their lives makes it all worth while. These boys have the role models of the earlier boys and it will help them want to be in France and become good French citizens.
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