Monday 20 April 2015

You don't say..

The national air quality monitor has announced that pollen is very high throughout the country. For those of us struggling to breathe through blocked nose, coughing and sneezing, eyes irritated this is not news.
April has mainly tree pollen, and from ash, birch and plane it is very high, with more to come on stream (literally in the case of eyes!), plus later flower pollen. Even the heavy rain brings only  minimal respite. There has been an influx of patients to doctors and hospitals seeking relief from often quite severe asthmatic symptoms. Inhalers and antihistamines can help and one doctor recommends that you wash your head before going to bed and change your pillow case frequently, otherwise you will be breathing in pollen all night.
Val says Malc is the hay fever sufferer and it can make the spring difficult.
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