Monday 20 April 2015

All the products sourced locally

    That esteemed establishment is Elsa, a Riviera eatery run by an Italian chef, Paolo Sari. Sari boasts he takes the credo to such lengths that his 40-seat restaurant barely outside Monaco's border is "the only certified 100-percent bio establishment in the world".
    Certainly he is inflexible in ensuring his Mediterranean cuisine, mixing French and Italian recipes, is entirely organic and sourced from local and near-local producers.
    That means his asparagus comes from a village in Provence, his saffron from a mountaintop village near Nice, and seafood direct from fishermen. His almonds come from Sicily and go to make a diabolically delicious souffle.
    Val says the restaurant sounds wonderful but this chefs bio cuisine comes at a price many of us would struggle to afford, unless as a very special treat. I,  and I know many of our readers, support the idea of bio products sourced locally. Can readers suggest any restaurant they know that may not have the famed star  but still does local bio?