Thursday 30 April 2015

Suite Française

Dear Val

We have just been to the last of the incredible run on films at Le Quercy, which we have been seeing on a weekly basis throughout April. Everyone who has been there will have had their favourite but we all voted tonights the best even if the audience was by far and away the smallest.

Suite Française is a story loosely based on the novel written in 1942 by Irene Nemirosky who died shortly afterwards in Auchswitz about the German invasion of France. It was a wonderful film full of tension and amazing cinamatography. Indeed Ross said that the camera shots were some  of the best he had ever seen and the menace of the German soldiers entering the small town of Bussy where the film was set was vividly shown. 

We all sat slighty bemused over our meal after the film. It was not a film with a happy ending but one which we just have to recommend to all. Our only word of warning is if you have read the book dont expect the film to be too like it.
