Sunday 26 April 2015

It will be alright on the night!

Dear Val

its 9.15 and I have already done 3hrs work for tonights concert at Puycelsi. Its not normally like this but on Friday as we went to collect the keys for the village hall where we give everyone lunch and tea the mairie's secretary looked at us in blank amazment and said it was let to another group for 4 days. So then we started our swan act, acting serenly and being nice to everyone. Before I drowned, the Mayor found us another hall but about 5km away and everything from toilet paper to the soup has had to be transported there and it will all need to be cleared this afteernoon as the local Keep Fit group use it at 10.00am tomorrow.

So now all we need is a choir and an audience. The choir is arriving and when the audience arrives tonight at 18.00hr I shall collapse and hopefully not fall asleep during the wonderful singing. Please come and join is and remember that it is only thundery showers which are forecast so even if you are having them chez vous we may well be clear. Program your recorder for Poldark just incase you are not home in time and have a spring night out.
Val says poor Ross and Ginny, we will all arrive and enjoy the concert and one never knows at these events just how much work goes in to them.  "It will be alright on the night" is a showbiz expression I believe.