Thursday 23 April 2015

Ca tombe bien/ it falls well: meaning it could not have worked better.

I get so excited, you cannot believe what I am like, unless you know me well.
When do you get a chance at nearly 70 to take a young handsome chap in to a beautiful meadow and kiss him all over. Well I got that chance today.
Malc says "steady on you only kissed him on both cheeks," I would have kissed him on any cheek presented I was so happy.
So you want the story from the beginning?

One of my donkey chums in Varen is Maxim who lives in an hameau near us, works in Unicor in Varen and is a really nice steady young man. We have an affinity being animal lovers and I have known for some time he had a donkey. Often as we have talked I have said "but you need two donkeys" He has always replied, my donkey lives with a brebis ( for those learning French pronounced "brubis" and meaning a sheep)
He has always impressed me with his love of animals and we have spent many times discussing attelage and training donkeys to pull carriages. He has spent the time training and now his donkey is quite adept at carriage pulling and is often seen around the lanes.
Anyway today I was telling him the Coco story and he admitted he felt his castrated male donkey needed a friend.
We arranged in his lunchtime to go and see Coco to see how he felt about him. When we arrived Coco was peeping shyly out of his tin shed, I called him and he came out, but I left it to Maxim to make the running. Maxim stroked his ears talking gently, then calmly picked up his hooves to look at his badly deformed sabots. I assured him we had the marechal/ blacksmith coming Tuesday or Wednesday and that they would be sorted.
The big question was " did he like him"
Maxim said "he is a beauty, I like him and I would love to have him" It was at this point I unrestrainedly threw myself upon him, Maxim not the donkey. The young lad then took lots of pictures on his phone, you know when someone is really pleased. He has plans to train the two donkeys for attelage. I know he spends hours with his one donkey and will do the same with Coco.
From this lunchtime meeting Malc and I went to Charlie's for lunch and I had to go round all the French people (many I knew) telling them of the happy story. It was obvious I was delighted and I think it made the diners happy as well. Charlie was full of smiles and said to customers " it had nothing to do with me, it was Mme. Johnstone!"
Comments to
Ann says   Love a happy ending, and a new beginning
Lorraine says    you know how to make people smile.
Jeannine says   Wow! I cried
Malc says   - one less donkey for us  phew!