Tuesday 21 April 2015

Wandering dogs

Hi Val
Don't know whether you knew about it but Andrea ,who used to run a cat charity, had her elderly, much loved cat attacked & killed by 2 wandering fairly large dogs.....Betty

Val says I heard this story last week, very sad for Andrea. Katy who rehomes the dogs knew which dogs had done the attack and I believe the owners  have been told in no uncertain terms by the gendarmes that the dogs are not allowed to roam any more. Too late for the numerous cats who the pair had killed. 
The owners not the dogs are to blame.
Everyone is talking to me about this post on fencing gardens. If you have an elderly dog like Bonny who sits at the gate and no longer runs off, that is fine. Although with our new foster dog she is now kept in the yard and garden. If you know where your dogs are,  once again fine. It is when they are away for long periods and you have no idea what sort of mischief they are getting in to, you should not just worry  but  do something about it.
It is the law and responsible dog ownership.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com