Friday, 21 March 2014

The old PO at Laguepie is now sold

It seems to have been on the market for years but at least the old Post office which has been an antique shop for the last few years has sold. I had noticed the price had halved since it was originally put up for sale. Bigger houses are worth less than a medium sized house, it is called supply and demand, not many want a big old house with the expensive upkeep costs and they are impossible to heat in winter.
Anyway the owner rattled the car windows this morning to  ask Malc if I would be interested in any of their furniture!! I do have a reputation for liking old things.
Once they sell they will rent in the area and have " un peu de repos" before deciding where to go, and as they still have a hangar over the road from the house they will have an auction sale at the beginning of summer.
Their last auction sale was a few years ago but was brilliant fun. I bought for 8 euros an old advertising board filled with turn of the century ceramic tiles.(amongst other things)
It now has pride of place in the bathroom and I often linger to enjoy it.