Monday 24 March 2014

We should not need it explaining why we should take an interest in French politics

Hi Val,
 You mentionned on your blog that we didn't not get in the mairie...
I just wanted to say that 3 of our list are actually on the conseil municipal and will defend our ideas nethertheless (including the translation of documentation in English) and that I'm more than willing to do anything I can to help all communities to get to mix better.
And next time we have an election, I'll make sure I explain plenty in time in advance why you British (etc.) people should take more of an interest to French politics, because this very much affects your daily life.
A lot of "foreigners" here were sorry to find out that they would have been allowed to have their say if only they had looked into it in time.
Don't hesitate and contact me, I'm always open to new ideas.

Val says  So glad 3 from your list made it through and will be on the conseil municipal.
I think the majority of us are interested in French politics but language is a barrier, although no excuse for that. There will always be a small majority of UK residents as there is with French residents who do not clearly understand the importance of having a vote and a say.
If you can think of anyway  of continuing the integration please do and keep up the good work.
Anything that is useful to pass on to the English speaking community can be done through TAG and  Malc and I would welcome your help.