Monday 24 March 2014

All the results are on the internet

Well although Massat did get back in, he was last from bottom on his list, not an overwhelming victory by any means, and if only there had been an alternative opponent with a decent list he would have been out. Overall 268 people voted for him out of a possible 610. The Maire's Adjoint came third on the list and in my opinion Michou Ceré should be the Maire. Laure from the pharmacy was top of the list as she was 6 years ago. The vote was an amazing 88%.
Marcia Scott got in standing on the Maire's list
At Milhars Sylvie Gravier was top of the list she was standing on.
Laure Rose (who has written to TAG) did not get in with her list in St Antonin.
Martine Lewis, a regular TAG contributor, from Puylaroque did not get in.
Bernard Mages of Laguepie  (who made my metal sheep) was third on his list which got in.
Kevin Scragg got in with a good vote in Verfeil.
Jamie Stickler did not get in.
The Maire's list for Caylus was elected quite comfortably.
The Maire's list for St. Antonin got back in comfortably
If you have other results you would like published that are relevant to you, let TAG know and now I am off to watch the results throughout the country overall.
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