Saturday 29 March 2014

What a great letter, I like it

Hi Val,
 Just some simple suggestions, but also comments to other suggestions.

First of all integration means becoming part of, going to, getting involved in, changing your habits and taking others, speaking the other language, meeting your neighbours, ..

Having said that, I think one of the suggestions for inviting the mayor to the English community is a wrong example of integration, we actually should go to the mayor, go to general election meetings, get involved in the things the ‘mairie’ does organize and also the ‘office de tourisme’ or other ‘associations’ organize. It also means not having your own clubs and invite the French in, it means going to participate in the already existing French clubs and activities. I’m not saying that having your own clubs is bad, but it is not integration.
And yes, that is the most difficult way because we have the language problem, but everybody should realize that we being foreigners who are coming to live in France cause that problem ourselves and have to solve it ourselves. It’s not right leaving the French with that problem and asking them to speak another language. By the way, watching French Television is also good for integration instead of only watching English Television.

Basically I have given also already some suggestions at the same time. But when you agree with me it means we are the ones who have to make some major steps forward. First point of attention is making sure you learn French properly. I know Michelle Jones (05 63 30 56 62) in St Antonin is doing a great job in that. But next step right away is making friends amongst your French neighbours and getting involved in French activities.

I also said something about habits. One of the good British habits is doing things for charity. But it is typically very British (not even Dutch or Belgian or…)! French have nothing with charity, so don’t try to get them involved. Another example: don’t get angry when you want to go to a restaurant at 6 PM and it is still closed, change your habit and adjust to the normal French times. Or waiting at the counter in a shop…

Finally: the call for suggestions for integration is such a good one! It means that we are motivated and trying to become more involved in normal daily French living. Keep up the good spirit!

Hans.  ( Buijserd Hans)

Val says  so much sense talked in this post. The only thing we would personally query and say is  you cannot generalise about nationalities. When we have had our Opera evenings for charity, dinners for charity , summer events for charity we have many French friends  and neighbours who support us, and in fact two charities we help are French. Read the post below, a French puppeteer coming all the way from Brittany, to raise money for a French based charity. I know some French people do not understand charity but a lot of others do. In the same way some Uk citizens, Dutch, Belgians  and the French do not even want to talk about integrating, but others do.
 The fact we are having this discussion shows it is important and it would be marvellous if it makes us all more caring with each other. Thanks Hans for your contribution.
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