A sheep dog in the Pyrenees was missing for three days. When he finally returned home injured around the neck and leg it was obvious he had been caught in a trap. He is still undergoing treatment at the vets. When the owner looked in to the matter he learnt that the trapping of foxes was legal
Trained trappers had been laying traps around the area and that they were supposed to be checked by the trapper each day just two hours after sunrise. Another dog in that area was caught in another trap but fortunately the owner was nearby and could release it.
Apparently there are two types of trapper, the "clandestin" and the licensed, these latter have had training and are approved by the prefecture. In this case the trapper was licensed and a member of the departmental association of trappers (which has 250 members out of 1200 known practitioners) but it seems he had not done his job if the dog was missing 3 days. There is no obligation for insurance, so the vet's bills are down to the owner.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com