Sunday, 2 March 2014

Clean water on tap

Dear Val,
The price for an osmoseur will cost between 300 – 350 €. Than you have clean drinking water free of chlore, heavy metals etc.
The waterfilters Finlay is talking about are only to get the chlore and bad smell out of the water, they cost here around 130 €.
To get the calcaire out of the water, you have to count around 1700 € for a good adoucisseur. Prices HT and without installing equipment like pipes etc. For the installation it depends the situation. If you are interested, Marco can pass by to see and make a quote (Ent. Marco Jean 05 63 24 07
For an osmoseur it is recomendable to have also an adoucisseur but it is not an obligation.
If there are more readers who are willing to order an osmoseur or adoucisseur, maybe we can regroup and negiociate the price.
Marco and Miranda