Wednesday 8 April 2015

Just part of the doggy world in this area

A message received from Sue at Poorpaws
Hi Val
Not sure if you know about Danielle.  She is my mentor !  She is a fantastic lady who worked for many years in the humanity service in the eastern bloc then came to France and transferred her  capabilities to working with animals.  Her experience is phenominal and she is often called on by the police to help out in difficult situations.  Once when a Pitbull attacked another dog the police called her whilst waiting for a marksman.  Danielle went into the garden, bellowed “couché” at the dog, Pitbull hits the deck, Danielle clips a lead on and hands him over to the (not so !) strong arm of the law !!!  She is in Castelnau Montratier and is a cruelty inspector for Brigitte Bardot Foundation and the SPA.  She does kennelling (you could put that about) and rehoming.  She will also leap to your aid to help wild animals, indeed had baby sangliers running around her place very recently !  Like me she receives no official financial aid relying on vide greniers, donations and adoptions.  She is a wonderful person and I know she only lets dogs go to suitable homes.  We work very closely together on the homing front.
Anyway, after all that spouting, she has suggested that the St. Antonin ladies call her so she can chat with them.  her number is 0565219450/ mobile 0681745331.  If she is not there PLEASE leave a message as she is obviously often outside.
Val says I have copied this letter to you all firstly so you know how much work goes on by doggy ladies behind the scenes rehoming stray, often badly treated dogs. Many of us know dogs can get put into refuges not under SPA control and simply get lost in the system and spend years if not their lives in cages.
Secondly to tell you that the tel numbers get you to a  reliable kennelling service. If you were going to the UK leaving the dog as you pass would not be out of the way, if you were driving.
I will ask for more information on this service.