Wednesday 15 April 2015

So interesting learning

Hi Val,
You can add my support regarding expats learning to speak French.  When we came here two years ago one of my aims was to improve my French as much as possible and to learn something more of the culture of this fascinating and welcoming country.  I have learned a lot, but still much to learn.  I cannot understand people who are just not interested in learning at least a little of another language.  It is also arrogant.
Kathy, Feneyrols
Val says  in my mind you have no choice but to learn, a visit to the Dr, paying taxes, talking to the postman, just living a normal life, how can it be done if you do not at least speak a little and understand  a little of the language. Challenges are good for any of us whatever our age and learning abilities. Obviously if a stroke or other health issues one understands there are difficulties but for most of us we have to try and as Kathy says " it is arrogant not to"