Sunday 12 April 2015

Another beautiful sunny day, great for camping.

An early walk up the road in my spotty pyjamas, never anyone along our country lane on a morning. Ruby and Bonny now firm chums rushing up the road together sniffing the previous nights animal activity along the verges. We have a motor van parked on our parking into the gite, the neighbours parents being here for Easter and the neighbours do not have hard standing. When they arrived they got stuck on their daughters land and a neighbour  had to come with a tractor to pull them out.  The couple in the motorhome gave a cheery wave as I passed.  Then two cars parked opposite on the verges, had youngsters sleeping in them who the dogs snuffling past woke, so more cheery waves.
Like a camp site along the normal quiet road this morning... but you can walk round a camp site in your jim jams.
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