Friday, 7 November 2014

Gain our sympathy, kick a coypu

I normally am on the side of farmers ( 'onest Kev) it is not an easy life, but kicking coypu in Nantes does nothing to enhance farmers tarnished reputations at the moment. Another of the farmers demonstrations flinging cow muck around the town went one step further at Nantes. Here farmers had caged coypu along with the muck which they then proceeded to kick to death. One died when its cage was flung in temper, all this caught on camera. Coypu do destroy banks and do need controlling but humanely. Heaven forbid that these farmers also keep farm stock.
My punishment would be to spend some time in a cage with our Rosie head of the donkey herd. She would soon teach them that kicking was really rather unpleasant.
The farmers in question are going to be taken to court we are told. They had chosen these river rats as they are pests and compared them to Segolene Royale, the enviroment minister.
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