Thursday 27 November 2014

A jolly walk

Dear Val and Malcolm,
Hopefully this will put a jolly spin on the day.  There are a lot of pictures so pick and choose which you think are okay.
A couple of weeks ago we took advantage of the good weather and after parking at Larroque we set off walking.  The route would take us along the Vere valley to Puycelci where we would connect to the Sentier du Patrimoine and return to Larroque via the Forest de Grésigne and Mespels.  Along the way we were rewarded  with great views of the Vere valley and we even discovered a car that had been parked in the hedge probably about 50 years ago judging by the state of it.
Arriving at Puycelci we had a couple of options stay on the Sentier du Patrimoine or use the GR46.  I chose the GR46 as this traverses the village and I thought there might be something worth investigating.  As it happens there was a rusty old bike stuck on a stack of logs so I took a picture and we carried on.  Shortly after we saw some trees looking very colourful with a bright blue sky above and just a small amount of cloud to make it more interesting, so I took some more photos and slowly ambled off talking to Louise but to my surprise it was not Louise but another lady who had come up behind so with an embarrassed bonjour I retraced my steps.
Just on the exit of Puycelci there was a splendid field maple that I wanted to photograph but it was on the other side of several barking dogs complete with owners.  So, in for a cent, in for a euro, I walked across asking,  sont-ils gentils?, Oui bien sûr was the reply. Two of the dogs were Australian Shepherds, said the lady who had passed me earlier, she then started to tell a tale of the local kittens and how they all meow at different pitches; she even demonstrated the sounds and said that it was vraiment splendide.
Well, after saying our au revoirs we left Puycelci and continued our trip down past the Ancien lavoir de Valès  and onward to the Forest de Grésigne.  I am sure you historians will be pleased to know there is a website dedicated to lavoirs -  We followed the path down into the valley of theRuisseau de L'Audoulou  which then crosses the stream several times culminating in the spectacle of the Les Cascades de L'Audoulou (well, it might be spectacular in the rainy season).  Just after the cascades we passed the boundary markers for the forest and climbed steeply up onto an ancient Roman road through beech and chestnut trees.  Finally, after reaching the top at Montoulieu we descended through stands of pine, holly and oak before reaching the Hameau of Mespels and finishing back where we started in Larroque.

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