Looking down on patients in Varen
Earlier in the week the sub was fairly sure he had suffered a hiatus hernia (or worse) and uncharacteristically made an appointment to see our GP in Varen's new health centre. It seems the doctor was dealing with an emergency and the appointed time came and went, and went. He jokingly said to another patient (appropriate) "by the time I see the doctor I will be cured". Eventually the doctor, after a thorough examination, pronounced that there was absolutely nothing wrong. "A miracle". On leaving the surgery he spotted that the health centre is overlooked by a statue of the Virgin Mary. So perhaps it was a miracle. A tweet to the Pope will be sent off to get the miracle recognised. Imagine the tourists in Varen....
Val says I cannot believe you have told the world and his wife about the miracle. The car park is only small, before you know it parking will be impossible. The boulangerie will be sold out selling to reporters around the world. Sometimes you just have to keep miracles to yourself Malcolm ( given him his full title to show I am cross!)