696 people read TAG in the last 24 hours.
Out of that number 21 have bothered to vote, sounds just like a normal election.
I am jubilant to report "you do care about French politics"
Malc who should look shamefaced is happily eating his muesli looking totally unconcerned by his damning defeat.
I would have really been worried if he had been right, what thinking person would not care about the politics of the country they live in?
The 7 who at this stage voted they were not interested could easily be disenfranched expats who just want to go home or even brain dead zombies sozzled by too much Gaillac wine or as Malcolm says people just exercising their democratic right against a dictatorial editor.
For the 14 who were on my side I say thanks to you " intelligent, politically aware concerned about the world, citizens" you are my sort of people!
Politics will stay on the agenda.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com