Saturday, 18 January 2014

Viagra, not all good news

Une enquête nationale dresse la carte de la consommation de Viagra dans les différentes régions françaises. Le célèbre dopant sexuel est particulièrement consommé en Corse et dans le Var. En Midi-Pyrénées, ce sont les Tarnais qui s’avèrent les plus friands des petites pilules bleues.

Val says I keep seeing in the newspapers " enquête de la consommation de viagra" I did not follow the story but today it is jumping out at me from everywhere with maps of France indicating the areas where it is a problem. It would appear that the Var and Corsica have the most consumers of this little blue pill. You lot in the Tarn are also big consumers. The advice is to take in moderation and beware of the risk factor of heart attacks, and also get the medicine prescribed by your doctor not from "iffy" sources on the internet.