Monday, 6 January 2014

Two children Sethi and Laurent who are in our thoughts.

Dear Val and Malcom,
We, Azizah and I, want to thank very much for the generous cheque of 330 € you gave for our ill children instead of the computer. It gives us and the children power to continue our everyday battle.
Sethi is hopitalised today for several months (maybe 5 in total) and will have a very heavy and risky treatment. Laurent is doing bad, he passes christmas and the whole holeday in bed, no energy to come out. Waiting for a call from Paris because Necker want to hospitalise him also. One positive point, we, the mums, can support eachother!
We want to wish you all a great 2014!

Dear Miranda
If only we could do more, the thought of your Laurent and Sethi in pain and unwell  breaks my heart. You can be sure TAG readers are wishing both these youngsters well and those who pray will be praying for them.
Lots of love
Val and Malcolm

Val says I wanted to print Mirandas letter but wish I could have left out our donation bit, but with out it, none of it would have made sense. It was not a donation, we just gave back the money for the computer, money we never would have had if we had not won.Whilst we are enjoying life, just  spend a minute to think of others in pain or needing help, and sometimes just showing you do care helps someone.
The letter from Miranda made me cry.