Bonne Année to you, Malc and all TAG readers! I hope it wasn't too much hard work for those going back to work this morning, especially on this lovely sunny day! I am starting Mini Musique baby classes next Monday, 2.30-3.30pm in the Parisot Médiathèque. We'll be singing English nursery rhymes, discovering instruments, hiding under scarves and having lots of fun! Classes are suitable for 0-3 year olds and the first class is free! Classes will be held every Monday afternoon during term time.
I am also starting classes in a St Antonin crèche next week. I did a free session for them before Christmas and the children were lovely and the staff were great joining in with all the songs! (Even if they didn't know the words!) If anyone knows of a crèche that might be interested in having Mini Musique baby sessions do pass on my details as I am happy to go in and do free taster sessions.
Hope you have a good week!
Becky x