Pour la seconde année consécutive, Moissacaura «ses» fèves. 6 nouvelles figurines à 2 500 exemplaires, prisées par tous les fabophiles (les collectionneurs de fèves) de la région. «L’année dernière, certains sont venus d’Albi ou de Mazamet. Beaucoup de Moissagais expatriés, aussi, fiers de leur ville.» Pierre-Louis Pourqué, qui exploite avec son frère deux boulangeries-pâtisseries (Le Fournil) à Moissac, nous révèle le concept : «Nous avons fait fabriquer 6 fèves différentes à l’effigie du Moissac d’avant les années «50» cette année. L’abbatiale, bien sûr, le Moulin, le Grand Bazar et la sous-préfecture, aujourd’hui disparus, le tribunal et le collège des doctrinaires, aujourd’hui hôtel des impôts.» Les précieux petits rectangles émaillés seront disponibles (à ceux qui auront la chance de les trouver !) à partir du dimanche 5 janvier dans les coques et galettes proposées au Fournil. Mais pour l’heure, elles seront présentées aujourd’hui par Pierre-Louis, à la mairie, à 11 heures, aux élus, parties prenantes pour cette opération qui constitue une réelle campagne (gourmande) de communication sur la cité uvale.
Val says I have copied the post from last year explaining the Fèves. At Moissac for the second year the boulangerie has made famous buildings of the town, like little models.
Stories on the local news and in the Depeche as always at this time of the year about the galettes you buy in the boulangeries, and are given a golden crown with the pastry / cake. Inside the cake is a little charm / feve which if you get in your piece of cake you gain the crown. Many people and children collect the feves, and we have seen people at brocantes going through bags of feves for that elusive one they need to complete their collection. Noticed on the Tarn news on TV that an enterprising boulangerie at Cahuzac sur Vere has had feves made with interesting buildings in the village on. Whilst at Caussade another boulangerie has a collection of pigs in hats, last year they had cows, not nearly as cute.
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Stories on the local news and in the Depeche as always at this time of the year about the galettes you buy in the boulangeries, and are given a golden crown with the pastry / cake. Inside the cake is a little charm / feve which if you get in your piece of cake you gain the crown. Many people and children collect the feves, and we have seen people at brocantes going through bags of feves for that elusive one they need to complete their collection. Noticed on the Tarn news on TV that an enterprising boulangerie at Cahuzac sur Vere has had feves made with interesting buildings in the village on. Whilst at Caussade another boulangerie has a collection of pigs in hats, last year they had cows, not nearly as cute.
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