Friday, 20 November 2015

I hope you felt ashamed seeing this, I certainly did

"In recent days there have been some loathsome and opportunistic attempts to demonise vulnerable refugees by conflating them with terrorists – the very people they’re running from. This is morally reprehensible.
It was a ghastly new low to see one newspaper’s cartoonist insinuating that some of those fleeing across Europe’s borders were vermin; imagery that conjures up worrying parallels with the language used grimly effectively in the run-up to the second world war and in Rwanda’s darkest days.
At a time when people are desperately trying to make sense of the senseless, the cartoon’s intent seems clear. Mixing refugees, Muslims, terrorists and rats together stokes public anxiety and encourages division at a time when unity is sorely needed – a highly irresponsible and potentially dangerous act."  Report from the Guardian
Val says you can see why I hate "that paper" spreading hate,  not TAG ethos at all. I did smile when someone at the Opera evening said he was going to send me it when he saw it but thought it might send me into an apoplexy. Comments to