Monday 23 November 2015

That's all right then

A recent world health authority report suggested that certain popular foods may be carcinogenic. The report said that charcuterie and red meat were particularly risky. But a nutrition expert on French TV this morning explained that the study was done mainly in America where, he explained, charcuterie is not the same as that made by our artisan French producers. The Americans like their hotdogs full of additives it seems, but your artisan sausage just has a bit of salt...
As for red meat, if you exceed a kilo and half a week you increase your risk, but our transatlantic cousins like to grill their meat until it has a carbonised crust - and that may well be cancer causing.
So the French method of serving beef rare (or even raw) is just healthier if a bit less tasty. So, carry on eating.
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