Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The birds of the air

They might not sow, but perhaps to the pleasure of those who do, they have been disappearing in great numbers. A study by the RSPB suggests that in western Europe bird numbers have declined by 420 millions in 30 years (from about 2 billion in 1980). Common species such as sparrows, starlings, swallows and skylarks have suffered most. But protected species such as kites and buzzards have actually increased.
Loss of habitat such as hedges and woods, is commonly blamed, as is urban spread as well as use of insecticides by farmers. The pleasure that wild birds bring to many, even the noisy swifts swirling round, or the messy martins nesting under your eaves, is immeasurable and it is a shame that it is our own policies and preferences which are threatening to deprive us of the dawn chorus.
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