Monday, 10 November 2014

Sue sends a letter from Poorpaws

Val says      Last week I received a letter from a French friend here in Varen asking if any reader could re home  three or four Brittany spaniels that were very fearful.  I felt the only likely person was Sue from Poorpaws, a dog rescue and rehoming site. I told Sue and she was swiftly on to the case. Now I have received the letter below.

Good evening Val,
Should have contacted you before to tell you that Danielle and I took our lives in our hands and bravely crossed the border into the Aveyron last week (!)  We went to collect the three nervous Brittanys from the breeder who, it turns out, is retiring and has someone interested in taking over the ‘business’ but who doesn’t want the three young girls.  As it happens, when we got there, it turned out that he had decided to keep one of them because he couldn’t bear to see her go, so we came away with two very frightened dogs and one older one who Danielle thought she had a good home for.  One of the frightened girls is with me here at Poorpaws and from her demeanour I think this is where she will stay.  I put her into a park with my four month Brittany who I haven’t been able to find a home for ( strange that ......!) but left a lead on her so that it would be easier to catch her, by stamping on the lead, thereby ensuring that contact could be made.  The next morning I was astonished to find that the lead had gone and all that was left was the metal clasp on her collar.  I searched the park but not a sign of the red leather lead.  Two days later, little bits of red leather started to appear, obviously deposited from the rear ends of the two dogs.  So, liberation was a joint effort !!  Now Isabella, as she is called, and Jip are great mates and slowly, slowly she is becoming less scared of me.  I am much relieved that she is now going into the kennel to sleep rather than sleeping outside, proof I hope that she is beginning to settle.
Hopefully one day I will be able to rehome her, but if not she is welcome here for as long as she likes.
Val says again. I will give you the link to Poorpaws so dog lovers can see what good work they do. I noticed that they already have Jude on their site.
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