Thursday, 13 November 2014

No more ailments please

Hello Val - just read the latest TAG - interesting but as you rightly say - emphasis on ailments

I was so fed up with people going on about their boring ailments that when I had a lunch or supper party here and we all sat down at the table I would ask for 'hush' and pointedly look at my watch and say - "I  will give you 5 minutes to talk about your health and then no more"    Also, if anybody has a mobile phone on them will they please make sure they switch it off

What you've got to do to maintain STANDARDS AND RESPECT!!

I am quite happy for you to print that if you wish

You did offer to put another 'for sale' in Tag for me which I am quite happy to contribute to -therefore if poss could you sometime include the following:-
Upright Adler Typewriter with ribbon        FREE 

Brand new surplus Seagrass Carpeting sizes :-   285 x 115      176 x 170       126 x 95      128 x 550   - again  fair offers please  Sold
Small free standing Chest Freezer 50 euros or offers -cannot deliver
Val says I have taken out can deliver, but speak to Yvonne if interested to see what could be arranged.

telephone 05 63 33 13 00 or email