Monday, 3 November 2014

A winning recipe from Scotland

A winning recipe from Scotland.

 A starter for 6 people.
4 beetroot, average size boiled and skinned.

 Small carton of creme fraiche.

 Tablespoonful of horseradish sauce.

 A couple of handfuls of roasted walnuts.

 Plenty of chopped parsley.

 Balsamic and walnut oil dressing.

Cut the cooked beetroot into small chip shapes, not too long and not too
thick; will leave that to your own discretion.

Place the cut beetroot into bowl and pour the dressing over and leave for at least four hours, gently move about at least once to make sure all has a coating. Roast the walnuts until taking on a little colour and nice and dry. Stir the horseradish into the crème fraiche.
Ready to go; oh, forgot to mention to chop the parsley.

It looks good on a larger plate rather than a small side plate.

Place the beetroot in the centre and then make a small central space into which you will put the crème fraiche and horseradish, sprinkle the walnuts all over but not too many; sprinkle chopped parsley all over and bobs your uncle, done and dusted and it’s a winner.
Jean Lewis