Friday 19 October 2018

Pride in our pompiers

Tonight we had arranged a meeting to hand over a cheque for 1,000 euros to the sapeur pompiers at Laguepie.
They invited us for aperos and all the equipe it seemed, young and old were there
Over the years we have got to know many of the pompiers who are also local tradesmen. Our first contact with a pompier was with Marco Balat who when we first moved here 18 years ago was a pompier. We remember  he was updating our electricity when his phone went and he downed tools and was off to help someone.
He explained all on his return.
Since then over the years on numerous occasions we have been thankful for the pompiers help taking us to hospital.
Our association decided we wanted to thank them for their dedication to others hence the donation.
We quite wanted them to go out for a meal and a few beers but it was decided as they wanted a plaque to honour past pompiers this was their chance to do this. It had been in planning for years but our donation made it possible.
We had the presentation then had aperos, drinks and pizza and great excitement for us when we had a phone call from Valerie Rabault, the local MP thanking us for our kind donation to the pompiers.
Terence our secretary and press and publicity officer also presented the Captain of the equipe Emmanuel Cros with a badge from the pompiers at the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport where for many years they come under his direction. It was nice to see these two men change badges and their pride in the pompiers in Paris and here at Laguepie.
Thank you for all you do Pompiers, young and old