Saturday, 3 January 2015

One of our supporters is to retire

Many readers will know Martine Ravily who has represented AG3 Immobilier in our area for some years now. A resident of Varen, Martine has supported Via Sahel through her advertisements on Taglines and her unfailing presence at out opera evenings. Now she has decided to hang up her clipboard for good.
Martine's husband Gilbert is a hard pressed country GP in La Fouillade and has the opportunity to take a less stressful post in Rodez for his last three years of work. In order to spend more time together Martine will hand over her portfolio to Patrick Novakowski of the same agency. She intends to visit her clients with Patrick in the next week or two to enable them to meet him and bring matters up to date.
On a personal note we have known Martine for many years now, long before her professional role started, and have admired her bravery in the face of severe health problems. It is this determination which has helped her keep going through the lean times in the profession and the hard times in her life. No compromises for Martine: she promised cakes for an opera evening's apero dinatoire and arrived with two beautiful  home made tarts. We will continue to value her friendship and miss her if she decides to leave Varen.
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