Saturday, 3 January 2015

Have pets, have the odd disturbed night

"What sort of Editor are you? Two posts only this morning" Malc said with practically a sneer.
I, sitting in a dream like state was vaguely contemplating nipping back to bed.
Bonny spent the night sleeping on her bed dreaming of rabbit chases, they must all have been the ones that got away as she gave little yelps of excitement punctuated with sighs. I suppose the sighs came as they got away.
We forgot to fill the cats bowl with food before going to bed so I had two cats taking turns to knead me with claws through the night and even turning over and pushing them in the direction of "the subbie" did not work as they persisently came back. Around 6 am I got up and fed them and went back to bed getting a grunt from his lordship and then a subtle manoevre to win back my share of the duvet. Just got my head down again when the donkeys started.
No wonder I am on go slow.
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