Wednesday 28 January 2015

Warts and all

Dear Val
Your winter break sounded lovely but its nice that you are back!
I went off today to see my Opthalmalogue and asked him about a small growth on my eyelid. Ah, he said, c'est une virurre. I misheard and looked blank, well I knew I had a heavy viral cold but the growth had been there for two or three months.. 
He said les virurres occured on our hands and feet. The penny dropped. It was a wart. So not wanting to look like Oliver Cromwell who demanded to be painted, 'warts and all', it will be removed in March 
As usual go somewhere over here and get a free French lesson
Val says - Funny that Ginny as both Malc and I had exactly the same experience and the same word used. We go on Monday to a dermatologist at Albi both having " our virurres" removed. 
Comments to
Malc says: the word is probably "une verrue" a bit like verruca.