Monday 26 January 2015

Who likes Nutella?

It may be sweet, but a couple wanted to name their new baby "Nutella" and the family court has refused permission. In theory French parents can now call their children whatever they like, but the registrar can ask the family judges to rule in cases where they think the name may be prejudicial to the child's future. In this case the child is to be called Ella. Another girl was to be called "Fraise" -  strawberry - but it was refused on the grounds that a phrase ramène ta fraise would be used to mock her. Apparently it is aimed at people who talk pretentiously or irrelevantly (or more rudely, display their nipples). She is to be called "Fraisine" a name in use in the 19th century.
A few years ago, however, a couple called Renaud were allowed to call their daughter Megane...
Any examples of names that should not have been allowed, readers?
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