Saturday, 3 January 2015

Another death on the streets

A  60 year old man died on the streets of Marseille the night before last, living rough in minus temperatures often without sufficient clothing and bedding and often with health issues from the life style. Something positive needs to be done to help.
I do have two positive and close to home stories of people helping.

Living in Varen in the summer is an elderly French lady, not sure if she is late seventies or early eighties. She  also has a home in Toulouse where she lives in the winter. Her name is Manon and she should really be called St. Manon. Since her retirement, now many years she has walked the streets of Toulouse at night giving aid and succor to the homeless. One wonders how many people she has helped . She is apparently well known and loved by the people on the streets and has never been attacked although I am sure she has encountered many terrifying situations.

The second story is about Julia my French teacher who when she lived in Alsace having just left College had a  governmental job being paid to help homeless people and their dogs stay together on the streets. She organised that the dogs were well cared for and that the owner and dog could stay together if they were rehomed
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