Saturday, 3 January 2015

Chats du Quercy needs your old Christmas cards / bring them to the book swap

Chats du Quercy are saying " do not just throw your Christmas cards away, we can use them" So if you can get them to Lynn Stone that would be great. Find details in the side panel, click on the Chats sign to go to the site.
I was wondering how we could get ours to her, she suggests posting but with postage costs having gone up I would rather give a donation then spend money on postage.
Then wait for it, I had another one of my "ideas" It is the book swap on Monday at St. Antonin so if I take a big empty box we can all take our Christmas cards  and then we need to find someone who sees Lynnto deliver them to her.
Any ideas readers?
Val says we now have an offer from someone who can pass them on
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