Thursday 15 January 2015

TAG will keep speaking out

The rise of the ultra-right and the presence of neo-Nazi parties in the portals of political power, including in the parliaments of Europe, is a source of grave concern. Coupled with this threat is the rise of radical Islam, endangering democracy and the free world. Jihadists see Jews among their first targets, as witnessed by the killings at a Jewish school in Toulouse in 2012 and the murders at a Jewish museum in Brussels earlier this year, and the Paris supermarket hostage crisis last week.
The danger of extremist religious and political ideologies, which promote racism, anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism, is currently underestimated and trivialised. This apathy poses an existential threat to the soul of Europe.
Edmund Burke once said that “the triumph of evil is dependent on good people being silent”. As a society we have born witness to such silence and indifference in the past, and I call upon European leaders to take bold, decisive action to defend the values on which Europe was founded.
If our decision makers today are real leaders with a clear strategy, they must address these growing threats, not only for the sake of the Jewish and other minority communities but for the sake of all Europeans. In the Telegraph
Val says we must all stand up and be counted " the triumph of evil is dependent on good people being silent"