Sunday 11 January 2015

Nous sommes Charlie et Ahmed à Gaillac en France profonde

Hi Val and Malc
We visited Gaillac today to walk the dog and have some lunch. We ate a Vietnamese meal in the town square. As we finished our meal we noticed a crowd gathering. A number of people were carrying signs. It was quiet. I started to take pictures. The numbers gradually increased until there were several hundred people in the square, some carrying placards, others lighting candles, others just standing, all as one. The mood was sombre, respectful and moving.

I heard applause and moved to see what was causing it. Representatives of the Muslim section of the community were carrying a large banner denouncing the atrocities. Each time they moved towards the centre of the square the applause got louder. This was a community, one community, standing together.It was brave, dignified and, save for the applause, silentI found Sarah was on the edge of the crowd. It was difficult for us to talk. 

A local dignitary gave a short speech followed by a spokesperson for the gathered Muslim people He passionately declared the values of France, liberty, equality and fraternity, advocating the right to dissent while denouncing the terrorists, denying that they were true Muslims. All the community applauded. The national anthem was then sung, softly, without the usual ebullience, and the people of Gaillac returned to their homes

Afterwards we drove home in silence. The pictures tell the story better than I can.

Val says - well it brought tears to my eyes and I like the picture of the Muslims with signs saying " not in my name"