Thursday, 1 January 2015

Monday the 5th is the book swap

The start of another year for the book swap, once again at St. Antonin Noble Val held at the Gazpacho starting at 10.30 am. Always one of my favourite mornings of the month. You take along books you have read and chose others all for free. I and family have bought so many books over  the Christmas period still waiting to be read, but there is always room on the shelf for another book.
Do not worry if you want to come and take a book but have none to swap, we always have plenty and with the prospect of a browse and a coffee what a heavenly way to pass a morning.
 There are also a supply of DVD's and we bought so many in the charity shops over Christmas, there will be more to come soon.
 Spiced Cuisine will be delivering pre-ordered curries to the bookswop on Monday, for menus please see and put in your order.
Look forward to seeing you all there