Wednesday 7 January 2015

Is the fate of our literary culture sealed ?

This is a snip taken from an article in the Guardian written by Will Self.

When it comes to the future of our literary culture – its fate is already sealed, and there is no going back. I began this provocation by describing what I think of deep reading – the kind of reading that serious books demand, and I promised that I would also discuss writing, the kind of writing that's intended to be read deeply. But really, there's no point in this, because such writing depends for its existence on deep readers, and in the near future such deep readers will be in very short supply.

Val says  - Dipping in and out to articles and posts on the web does affect our reading habits... think how mine have suffered with hours spent on the web.This ties in also with the pleas from authors saying how badly paid they are. Very few but the top "JK Rowlings" make a living at writing. Long retired from bookselling and  no longer having contact with authors I still have very definite feelings about publishing.
In my opinion too many people get it into their heads they are writers, and they may enjoy writing but it does not necessarily make them good writers.They then self publish or find a publisher " not of the top drawer"  and wonder why their books do not sell. There are masses of books that should never have been published floating around the book swap. Everyone is a writer it would seem, but in truth the number of  Austens, Brontes, and even Rowlings are thin on the ground. In years past writers burnt the midnight oil coming back from a days teaching or at the office and felt lucky if a publisher picked them up. These days so many would be writers complain they are not paid enough for their work. I am sure the money is not swilling around but write a best seller achieving the sales and the money will be there. 
Otherwise write for enjoyment in your spare time whilst doing a proper job. Enjoy your creative writing but accept that it is your pleasurable pursuit.
We have many writers in Tarn and Garonne and this is not aimed at anyone, it is my thoughts and views on the world of publishing.
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