I walked along the lane with Bonny feeling like the Snow Queen in my icy world. The trees and branches so thick with frost they looked as if merry elves and imps had been along just before me with a spray can of white. I was cozy warm in my duck filled coat bought in the Jaeger sale ( first coat bought in13 years, before anyone changes the mood and accuses me of showing off)
I stood still and turned my head up to the amazing azure sky and the warm sun lit my face and warmed my heart with its beauty. I rushed home to tell Malc about the wonderment of the lanes but as he had already been out to feed the donkeys and give them water he knew already of the wonder.
We live in the most beautiful place in any season, we can enjoy this and then can you believe it we get the Spring.
I can see why everyone is out with cameras and phones snapping away and if I ever change my name it will be to Gerda, the little maid in the Snow Queen.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com